Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Allen Staffer Attacks Man

Yeah, the guy was a dick, but could Allen's people BE more stupid?
Pentagon Conducts IO on America

Information Operations is SUPPOSED to be about the ENEMY'S information capabilities, not ours. It's not that they are countering with facts, it's that they don't want the facts to be left unchecked. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

This is what MY military does instead of fight the war. Any wonder why I left? Basically, the military now has a domestic propaganda arm. Nice.
Republicans NEED a Fantasy World

Republicans need the fantasy world set up for them by Fox News, Rush and the others. Why? Because otherwise reality would destroy the fantasy world they live in. No coffins, no funerals, no disease, no poverty...just belief.
Jim Webb Responds Vigorously to False Personal Attacks

Substance (Webb) vs. Nothing (Allen)
Al Franken's SUPPLY SIDE JESUS... animated.

If only they would follow his example.
Webb Ahead in Poll!

International Herald Tribune

International Herald TribuneRICHMOND, Virginia In a key race that could determine control of the Senate, Democrat Jim Webb is slightly ahead of Republican incumbent Sen. George Allen with a week to go, according to a poll released Tuesday

50% to 46%!

Let's go Virginia...it is time for a change!


Monday, October 30, 2006

Fear Is All They Have

Cheney says it's really just about them...

So easy to send others to their death for fear when it's not your life on the line. Why is it so easy for Chickenhawks like Cheney use fear to whip up the vote?

I'll say this...the only fear I smell is coming from the RNC. If, and I say IF, Democrats can take one of the houses I propose that we impeach NOT "W", but Cheney and Rumsfeld and leave "W" to take the blame that is rightfully his.

Karma is a bitch and it may not happen this election, but it will eventually. These men who care for power more than the people of this country will have their judgment day. If they are lucky, it will only be one here on Earth.
Just Watch & Listen

Part Two

He is the REAL thing. A veteran and a citizen that wants to truly serve the public.

The camera work is bad, but listen, LISTEN to what he is saying.

Vote for Webb in Virginia.
Hey, George, while we're on the topic of full disclosure...

What's in your divorce record you don't want anyone to see?

Talking Points Memo

The Allen campaign refuses to return our calls asking whether Sen. Allen will release his sealed divorce records. We're not the only news outlet asking, just the only one telling you how the Allen campaign is responding. Heck, one major national daily had a reporter out in LA for at least week trying to nail down the story. It's what every Washington insider is talking about: what's inside those sealed records down in Albemarle County. Now that the Allen campaign is about to go on the airwaves about sex scenes in Jim Webb's books, maybe you should know about this too.

-- Josh Marshall
Glitches cited in early voting

Early voters are urged to cast their ballots with care following scattered reports of problems with heavily used machines.

And so it begins...
Webb: Democrats will provide Iraq remedy

How can Allen even compare to this MAN? Substance vs. Nothing. Cowboy boots on a Cali rich kid vs. Combat boots on a combat vet? Published author vs. Professional politician? Please. The ONLY way Allen can eek out a win will be to smear this MAN until the cows come home to their Southwest Virginia barns.

Unfortunately, the rest of us may have to live with the results of the simplistic ignorance of our southern brethren.
Pornography? Yeah, for those who think Breast Feeding is sexual.

Only Rush and the Allen campaign could be so crass as to call excerpts, taken out of context, from a novel about war, describing a scene in Thailand and other places as pornography. Of course they would actually have to have served and traveled overseas to see such cultures to really understand. Not that we can expect that from such Chicken Hawk Republicans.

The people who buy into this type of political smear are the same ones who think breast feeding is sexual...seriously. Of course, this would be MOST of Southwest Virginia - the constituency they are targeting.

I fear that fear and ignorance will win the day in my beloved state, but I can hope.

Webb Defends Novels Against Attacks

Chris Matthews Show

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Don't Be Fooled By The Stock Market

"In summary, the Bush economy has been great for the 30 largest companies in the U.S. and the upper 5 percentile of wage earners."

Monday, October 23, 2006

How Much?

How much is the war in Iraq costing us?
Estimates of financial impact are debatable, but several studies have tried

"Using a “top-down” calculation based on U.S. budget appropriations, the group estimates the total money spent or allocated comes to about $255 million per day, or a little less than $1.8 billion a week. That figure includes both military and non-military spending on things like reconstruction.

Other estimates cast a wider net in their definition of total costs — including things like the loss of life. Insurance companies and juries in wrongful death cases inevitably come up with a dollar figure, but any number used to represent the financial loss resulting from the death of more than 3,000 soldiers is only and estimate the true economic impact. Such estimates also include the short- and long-term cost of caring for the tens of thousands of those disabled in combat.

Then there are future costs that don’t show up in current appropriations, like the money needed to replace equipment that's wearing out faster that it would if wasn’t being used in combat. And, since the government is running deficits — and borrowing to make up the difference — at least some of the interest on the national debt has to be added to the Iraq war bill.

If you add these costs, and others, to the total tab, the cost of the war has jumped from $4.4 billion to $7.1 billion a month since the 2003 fiscal year, according to a paper co-authored in January by Columbia University professor and Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, an outspoken critic of the war. The paper estimates the total cost could top $1 trillion."


Don't forget, the oil was going to pay for it and it wasn't even going to cost a Billion in the first place.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Republican Woes Lead to Feuding by Conservatives

Let the canalbalism begin!

I'm just waiting for the one pointing finger too many.

Rep #1: "YOU cost us the House!"

Rep #2: "YEAH!?!? Well...at least I wasn't getting blown by MY "well dressed" staffer every week!"

Capitol Police Officer: "Uh...emm...Gentlemen, this is the reporter from MSNBC...and the camera is on."

From Wonkette Comments:

JupiterPluvius says:

"I did not write that letter, Lo!
I did not write it!" "Tan, I know--
But what was sent was very bad.
It made me sore. It made me mad!
So do not do that stuff again
Just do not do it, Tan Nguyen!"

Flippity, Floppity...Floop

Ok, "W" is either flip-flopping or he is pandering for the election. Which is it?

Bush to consult generals about Iraq strategy
'We are constantly adjusting tactics,' president says

Top commander heads for D.C. talks amid Iraq concerns

Hey, dumbass, operational approach is NOT tactics. YOU, thank God, do not dictate or discuss tactical approaches to combat with Generals. YOU talk about strategy and operational concepts with Generals. So, YOU are either flip-flopping or you are pandering for the mid-term elections with no intention of actually changing a thing. So, "W", "W"hich is it?

Did daddy send his "fixer" to try and help you dig out of the hole? Mr. Baker can only do so much. Could you please just go to your room now?
How bad is it getting for the GOP?

Republicans aim to scare up big voter turnout
With House losses likely, tactics focus on warnings about Democrats

I suppose it's not surprising that they are turning to FEAR once again to try and rally the faithful, but the irony is that they cannot even scare them with "terrorists" anymore. The only FEAR I smell is that of the Republicans who know that if just one house falls, their house of cards is going to come crumbling down.

Imagine...IMAGINE...what is going through the minds of some of these people who have literally sold their souls and rubber-stamped rediculous policies in return for fleeting power. If the level of malfescence we have seen come to light IN SPITE of the cover-ups of the GOP cabal is any indication, imagine what is under that tip of the iceberg. I bet that the average alcohol consumption on Capitol Hill has tripled in the last month.

Watch and see what happens if it becomes clear that the House will fall. I'll bet you that the jockeying for ass covering will be a spectacle to behold. I forsee a whole lot of, "It has recently come to my attention that a member of my 'staff' has been illegally doing X." I can assure you that these staff members who have truly sold their souls for a buck and a whiff of power will not roll over easily. If this ship is going to sink, it ain't going to arise from the ashes anytime soon. And, with their qualifications, they will be looking at a Wal-Mart job. So, once the fingers begin to point...they will eat their own.

Oh, and Karl, yeah, Democrats lack consistency...the consistency to choose the wrong path and stick with it all the way to ruin. Here's to GOP consistency!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Denied Entry

U.S. security officials have prevented an influential Islamic scholar from attending a conference in New York.

You would think that this administration would abide by two concepts...at least:

1) Read your own counter-insurgency manuals about how to win hearts and minds.

2) If, in fact, you believe one is your enemy, is it not better to keep your enemy close and in plain sight?

Simple is as simple does.
Jim Webb for Senate

'nuff said.

Judge for yourself....

Iraq for Sale
They will stop at NOTHING to retain power...

A Particularly Poisonous Front Group

Republican Ad Calls Black Women "Ho's"

Know what you are up against. This is pure propoganda financed by the rich who care only about protecting their wealth. Wise up America.
Work for Who?

Cutting to the Chase: Tax Cuts Work

You sir, are lying.

Total tax burden for the lower 80% of Americans has NOT changed due to increased State Taxes and Fees that have been raised to cover the unfunded mandates of federal regulation and the loss of federal support for other programs.

Furthermore, real wages have DROPPED for the vast majority of Americans.

And, lastly, and most disingenuously, the accounting methods of the US Government approach the criminal. The way they account for expenditures and income is EXACTLY how ENRON and other now defunct companies did their accounting. If we were do use general accounting rules for the US Government, the deficit this year would have been $700 Billion!!! And, even with their funky accounting we are STILL running a deficit…that means we spent more than we took in…for the 6th year in a row!

Tax cuts are a SHORT TERM shot that harms long term economic health if not considered temporary. It cost money to manage a nation of 300 million. That money must come from somewhere. We ALL benefit from the stability of a well managed country, not just the poor and middle class.
FOX News...Where the X stands for Xenophobia

So, what's next? Sewing gold crescents on their clothing?

Muslim Veil Shouldn't Be Worn in West

"Speaking as an American: no Sharia law, no veils. If you're here, be American.

You don't have to conform. You just have to give up the urge to be separate and apart and unwilling to assimilate like the rest of us."


John, for your edification:

Amendment I to the Constitution of the US

Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Damn that pesky Constitution!
Just Strange

I do NOT subscribe to conspiracy theories, but this is just strange.

From Wonkette:

The Cuban news service reports that George W. Bush has purchased 98,840 acres in Paraguay, near the Bolivian/Brazilian border.

We Hate To Bring It Up...