Friday, October 20, 2006

Flippity, Floppity...Floop

Ok, "W" is either flip-flopping or he is pandering for the election. Which is it?

Bush to consult generals about Iraq strategy
'We are constantly adjusting tactics,' president says

Top commander heads for D.C. talks amid Iraq concerns

Hey, dumbass, operational approach is NOT tactics. YOU, thank God, do not dictate or discuss tactical approaches to combat with Generals. YOU talk about strategy and operational concepts with Generals. So, YOU are either flip-flopping or you are pandering for the mid-term elections with no intention of actually changing a thing. So, "W", "W"hich is it?

Did daddy send his "fixer" to try and help you dig out of the hole? Mr. Baker can only do so much. Could you please just go to your room now?


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