Thursday, October 19, 2006

Work for Who?

Cutting to the Chase: Tax Cuts Work

You sir, are lying.

Total tax burden for the lower 80% of Americans has NOT changed due to increased State Taxes and Fees that have been raised to cover the unfunded mandates of federal regulation and the loss of federal support for other programs.

Furthermore, real wages have DROPPED for the vast majority of Americans.

And, lastly, and most disingenuously, the accounting methods of the US Government approach the criminal. The way they account for expenditures and income is EXACTLY how ENRON and other now defunct companies did their accounting. If we were do use general accounting rules for the US Government, the deficit this year would have been $700 Billion!!! And, even with their funky accounting we are STILL running a deficit…that means we spent more than we took in…for the 6th year in a row!

Tax cuts are a SHORT TERM shot that harms long term economic health if not considered temporary. It cost money to manage a nation of 300 million. That money must come from somewhere. We ALL benefit from the stability of a well managed country, not just the poor and middle class.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO good to have you back and blogging again!

11:15 AM  

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