Tuesday, November 16, 2004

THIS Should Scare the Hell Out of You!

New Threats, Old Weapons

Let's be clear about what this man is saying in the editorial: He is advocating the development and tactical and doctrinal use of low-yield nuclear weapons.

He uses the word deterrence to cover up the basic premise that modern war demands new nuclear weapons. I can assure you that the threat of the use of a low-yield nuclear weapon will NOT stop insurgents in a city and woe be the man who makes the decision to use one to clear out a city or stop troops from massing for an offensive.

Convincing the public that producing, stockpiling and training our soldiers to use tac-nukes is a good idea would certainly be interesting to watch. It seems that those who favor this approach forget that our current enemies are not nation-states with armies to mass, but are global insurgents tied to a religious ideology. Whose country are you going to nuke to kill these guys? Just what do you think would be the world or regional reaction to such an attack?

Men like this seem to look at the physics of low-yield weapons like the physics of smoking. They think that if they confine the weapon to a small area, it will only affect that area. Really? Ever been in a room where half is set aside for smokers? How well does that work?

This administration and their actions are encouraging this kind of thinking. This is the direction we are heading. Just what value are we promoting with this idea?

Becoming a nation of warriors set upon righting the world through force is an option. However, do NOT expect our enemies, old and new, to sit idle and allow themselves to be destroyed in place without fighting back. Violence begets violence.

Make your choice America, but at least try to be informed about the consequences of your choices.


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