Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Neo-Con Spin...err...Grand Plan...err...Monday Morning Quarterbacking

This an email from a friend, not his views, and my response.


I think this is all one big excuse to:

a. Squeeze Iran into a "free" nation
b. Place airbases that much closer to China

People I speak with tell me the biggest difference between Kerry and Bush was their stance wrt/ China and N. Korea. All the married gay people with stem cells and having late-stage abortions was political spin-doctoring of the opiate for the voting masses. America can understand this issue but not refueling distance if we need to conduct pre-emptive strikes into China if they decide to seize Siberian oil fields.

The real issue is oil and China, and how we balance the military threat with the economic necessity of our trading of high-dollar goods with their low-dollar goods. Islam is getting in the way.

My Response:

That's NEO-CON ideology at its best. And, its crap.

You want to solve the Oil problem, reduce our dependency on Oil and let the Siberians worry about China invading. And, hard to stop a preemptive strike from a Nuclear Attack Submarine. Conventional war wouldn't EVEN be an option. Come on, the basic rule of strategy..."Never start a land war in Asia."

You want to cripple China, stop buying their shit and bring manufacturing jobs back home. But, can't do that cause profits would plummet and we would have to pay real wages to people and then we couldn't have 6 TV's in our house.

As far as "squeezing" Iran into a "free" nation...good luck. We aren't having too much success with FORCING Iraq. I doubt SQUEEZING a soon to be Nuclear power is going work. My bet is after they vote, the Shia's start their insurgency and make it a religious state. Hell, they might even vote that way. Then what? More ideological foolishness.

Even if you buy this shit, we exhausted ourselves on the first move and now cannot even think about completing the rest. You want to see political frustration and self-righteous indignance? Wait until it becomes clear to the neo-con pinheads that even though we're the biggest guy on the block, we can't kick everyone's ass without our posse' backing us up, oh and more than 50% of the country. Right now that posse' is looking pretty weak. We're so bogged down trying to hold down our new "street corners" that we can barely muster a drive-by shooting.

The Neo-Cons did ZERO risk analysis and mitigation planning on their grand plan and therefore had no contingency plans for when the world told them to go pound sand. They were so convinced of their own bullshit that they failed to even THINK about the possibility that their plan wouldn't be so clear to everyone else.

Hubris...I think its a value now.


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