Thursday, January 13, 2005

A Response To: The Dishonest Media: Part 99

Thursday, January 13, 2005
By Bill O'Reilly

FOX News

Editorial Link: Here


My Response:


You're confusing OPINION with NEWS.

"The big picture here is the truth. How can you as an American make an informed decision if major newspapers are flat-out lying to you? You can't. This is not the first time the "L.A.Times" has attacked FOX News, but this editorial is truly outrageous."

However, I can't say I'm surprised since your entire show is a confusion of news and opinion.

An EDITORIAL is an OPINION usually written by an editor and is the author's particular view on the NEWS of the day; it's NOT news itself. Reporting NEWS is simply the reporting of facts and sometimes the reporting of different involved party's take on the facts. Any professional journalist would be able to make this distinction (Hint, Hint). However, your show and many like it on FOX are more about OPINION and more often than not, the opinions of the hosts; even more sad as the hosts are usually the LEAST informed and the LEAST affected by the NEWS on which they are commenting.

I imagine your confusion stems from the fact that your show, and to a larger extent the FOX News network on which your show is aired, cannot seem to make this simple distinction as virtually all of the "news programs" aired on your network are more about OPINION of the NEWS than the NEWS itself. Even more sad is that the OPINION is uniformly right of center and in the form of cheerleading as opposed to commentary and critical evaluation. Because your show and the FOX News network seems to make its business one of opinion and cheerleading for the right, it's no surprise that their leading cheerleaders cannot make a simple distinction; one that a new journalism undergrad could easily make.

Perhaps if you and the rest of your ilk at FOX "News" would take the decision to become more professional in your JOURNALISM you would be better able to see the difference between OPINION and NEWS. Unfortunately, I rest confident that should you and any of the others like you ever want to become anything more than a infotainment cheerleader for the right you would soon find yourself out of a job at FOX. Of course, you would have your dignity back - but since you measure your worth based on your ratings and personal wealth as opposed to real accomplishment, I don't see that epiphany coming your way anytime soon.

Do yourself a favor and realize three things:

- Don't mistake wealth and fame for accomplishment.
- Facts are not biased and the reporting of facts is not a act of bias.
- All glory is fleeting.

I suspect that you will continue on in your self-referential world, but it will make the eventual self-destruction all the more interesting to watch.


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